The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) consist of recurring questions to IFA GmbH. They are grouped under a topic and followed by their answer. If your question is not mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

As central service provider in the German pharmaceutical market and neutral clearing agency, IFA GmbH supports suppliers of medicinal products, medical devices and other pharmacy-typical products in complying with legal specifications. This includes complying with national and European specifications especially those according to § 131 paragraph 4 SGB V.

Against this background, the given information to IFA is the prerequisite for especially doctors, pharmacies, pharmaceutical wholesalers and health insurers to handle, use and bill the product correctly.

Thus each supplier aids a safe patient care and correct billing.

The regular deadline applies to the publication of medicinal products obliged to marketing authorisation or mandatory registration into IFA's Database. IFA's Publication Calendar states all deadlines for their equivalent publication date.

In individual cases, the necessary marketing authorisation or registration of medicinal products may be handed in by the deadline for product changes.

If the documents are not handed in in time, the publication of the medicinal product into IFA's Database is impossible.

No, the information maintained in the IFA database is economic, legal and logistical data on pharmaceuticals, medical devices and other pharmacy-typical goods. They do not contain image data.

IFA's supplier contract may be terminated by either side with a time limit of three months to the end of each calendar year in written form to the other partner: form for termination of the IFA supplier contract

Request for EAD, product and address data 

Request free of charge a current EAD file for a change order, a product range file or your address data with IFA Supplier Number on request for EAD, product and adress data

IFA Guide
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