The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) consist of recurring questions to IFA GmbH. They are grouped under a topic and followed by their answer. If your question is not mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

The following abbreviations are used in the IFA documentation with the channels of distribution information: 

  • KVA / Krankenh.Apo. // VWeg KVA – distribution to hospital pharmacies
  • pharm. Großhandel // VWeg GH – distribution to pharmaceutical wholesale trade
  • Apotheken // VWeg APO – distribution to pharmacies
  • Einzelhandel // VWeg sonst. EH – distribution to other retail trade

A product is labelled as Außer Vertrieb – Marketing ceased (AV), the product is removed from the market and will not be re-supplied. However, stock may be sold-off. These products retain this distribution status until they are deleted and cannot be reactivated (see Richtlinien zu Artikelstatus und Statuswechsel and Change of product data).

Products with a temporary delivery discontinuation or inability to deliver should remain on the market unless the production has ceased.

Agreements between manufacturer and supplier can be very complex. It is impossible for the IFA GmbH to judge who possesses the rights in each and every case. Thus we only allow order forms from the currently listed supplier. In the case of a change in the distribution law, this must be made known to the IFA GmbH immediately from both sides ( PZN transfer to another supplier). If there are disagreements between the manufacturer and distributor, it is up to both to resolve them and inform the IFA GmbH accordingly. In both cases, the IFA GmbH requires consensual letters to take change orders in the future.

A PZN transfer to another supplier will only be processed, if both an order from the new supplier and the previous supplier's consent to the PZN transfer have been received. Both, already published as well as pre-allocated PZN can be switched. If individual PZNs are to be transferred, they must be named explicitly (see Change of product data).

A manufacturing authorization (Herstellungserlaubnis) according to § 13 of German Medicinal Products Act (Arzneimittelgesetz – AMG) is required by all entrepreneurs, that manufacture medicinal products commercially or professionally within the meaning of § 2 AMG. Manufacturing here includes the production, extraction, preparation and offering of medicinal products. This requirement applies to any company that is involved in any step of the production of medicinal products. This applies regardless of whether the company also acts as a pharmaceutical entrepreneur pursuant to § 4 (18) AMG - or as holder of the authorization or markets medicinal products under his name. Contract manufacturers which perform certain manufacturing steps on behalf of the pharmaceutical company, are also required to have a manufacturing authorization. A manufacturing license is required for the production of medicinal products which are not yet approved - e.g. for medicinal products that are used in a clinical trial (so-called investigational medicinal products) or other medicinal products which do not require approval. If you hold a Herstellungserlaubnis according to § 13 AMG, please send a copy thereof to us. For more information see: § 13 AMG.

A wholesale license according to § 52a AMG is required by all companies which trade in medicinal products either professionally or commercially. According to § 4 (22) AMG, trading involves the procurement, storage and sale or export of medicinal products. The transfer of medicinal products to clinicians, veterinarians or hospitals is exempted from this rule. Exceptions to this permit requirement are in the travel industry, gases for medicinal purposes, in the normal course of operation of pharmacies as well as in the context of purchasing groups. If you hold a Großhandelserlaubnis according to § 52a AMG, please send a copy thereof to us. For more information see: § 52a AMG.

No, the distributor cannot be named. The phone number, fax number and email address of the distributor can be stored.

Request for EAD, product and address data 

Request free of charge a current EAD file for a change order, a product range file or your address data with IFA Supplier Number on request for EAD, product and adress data

IFA Guide
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