The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) consist of recurring questions to IFA GmbH. They are grouped under a topic and followed by their answer. If your question is not mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Following the Framework Agreement according to Section 131 SGB V (German Social Code Book V), this information is compulsory for medicianal products for human use.

The allocation of the product-specific address data to the PZN is usually conducted when ordering the first publication in the IFA information services of new prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs relevant for reimbursement. 

Please use the IFA portal (only available in German) or the following notification order document and enter the address data for each PZN (address number or company name of the authorisation holder / local representative):  

There are two options for the notification of product-specific address data:

  • Complete the address data (address number or company name of the marketing authorisation holder / local representative) for the respective PZN in the IFA-Portal.
  • Please order a product range data file and fill in the address data (address number or company name of the marketing authorisation holder / local representative) and send it conclusively by e-mail to ifa@ifaffm.de.   


No, for the notification of product-specific address data EAD files cannot be used.

Request for EAD, product and address data 

Request free of charge a current EAD file for a change order, a product range file or your address data with IFA Supplier Number on request for EAD, product and adress data

IFA Guide
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