Information service provider for the pharmaceutical market

IFA GmbH is an information service provider for the pharmaceutical market and provides information services including economic and legal information for goods sold in pharmacies in Germany.


for today, 03/29/2025

Date of publication: 05/01/2025

Days to deadline

PZN first publication:

04/09/2025 (Wednesday)


PZN first publication (price reduction):

03/31/2025 (Monday)


Product changes:

04/10/2025 (Thursday)


Product changes (price reduction):

04/01/2025 (Thuesday)


IFA Guide

Use the IFA Guide to find the right documents for your request:

New customers

Prospective and new customers

You would like to publish PZN for your products?

Detailed information on how to become a customer at the IFA: New Customers

IFA Publication Calendar

All publication dates at a glance and in addition the annual overview:

IFA Publication Calender 2025
IFA Publication Calender 2026

IFA portal

BUDI and HPC generators in the IFA portal

Would you like to create a Basic UDI or HPC code for your medical device using the IFA Coding System?

Use the check digit generators for BUDI and HPC in the IFA portal.

Log in

IFA Database

How are product data transferred from the supplier to the data recipients? Follow the flow of data from first publication into the database to the usage of data recipients’ IT systems.

Request for EAD, product and address data 

Request free of charge a current EAD file for a change order, a product range file or your address data with IFA Supplier Number on request for EAD, product and adress data

IFA Guide
Table of content