New customers

Conclusion of IFA Supplier Contract

The prerequisite for the allocation and publication of Pharmazentralnummern (PZN Central Pharmaceutical Number) with product data in the IFA information services is the conclusion of the IFA supplier contract, which governs the business relation.

Information prior to contract conclusion

Please read the linked documents carefully before concluding the IFA Supplier Contract. By concluding the IFA Supplier Contract the supplier accepts the following IFA Guidelines, the IFA Pricelist and additional information as binding regulations for the notification of product and address data.

Contract Documents

How to become a customer of IFA GmbH – select the step-by-step guide that applies to you and use it to effortlessly gather the necessary documents for concluding the contract:

Please send the following documents by e-mail to

  • Onboarding application for conclusion signed and scanned
  • IFA-Auftragstabelle D – Supplier Address Data with your details on the company and the contact person
  • Copy of your current trade register excerpt or business registration
  • Copy of the manufacturing authorisation according to § 13 AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz – German Medicinal Products Act) for the production of medicinal products
  • Copy of the wholesaler authorisation according to § 52a AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz – German Medicinal Products Act) if available

Please be advised that the consignation of the contract does not include an automated allocation of a Pharmazentralnummer (PZN).

Ordering a PZN pre-allocation prior to market launch is possible in the IFA portal (platform currently available in German) or with IFA-Auftragstabelle A – PZN Pre-allocation.

For publishing a PZN and product data you can choose the variants of notification IFA portal (platform currently available in German) and IFA-Auftragstabellen B1/B2/B3 – First Publication.

With the assignment of the IFA customer number, you receive access to the IFA portal.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

IFA Guide
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