Cooperative partnerships


ABDATA Pharma-Daten-Service, a business branch of Avoxa – Mediengruppe Deutscher Apotheker GmbH, develops and produces medicinal product data for different areas of the health care industry. ABDATA examines the data submitted by the supplier to IFA GmbH and -if necessary- supplements this data with additional pharmaceutical information. These audits also monitor the conformity with the statutory requirements, in particular with the German Medicinal Products Act (AMG), the Medical Device Act (MPDG), the Pharmacy Operations Ordinance (ApBetrO) and German Social Code Book Five (SGB V).


The IFA GmbH is a founding member of securPharm Association and supports initiatives to enhance counterfeit protection, in particular the project securPharm  in which the German Medicine Manufacturers Associations, the wholesalers and pharmacists (stakeholders) developed a system to implement the requirements of the European Directive 2011/62/EU and provide a defense against counterfeit medicines. The stakeholders instructed IFA GmbH to create all necessary pre-conditions for product marking and coding. Under this framework of this cooperation, IFA GmbH supplies the coding specifications which fulfill the encoding rules of securPharm.

IFA Guide
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