Here you will find notification order files, guidelines, contract documents and further information of IFA GmbH availale for download.
Please note: Some IFA documents are only available in German.
Contract Documents
Detailed information on the required documents can be found on the New Customers page.
Select the guidance that applies to you and use it to effortlessly assemble the necessary documents for the conclusion of the contract.
- Step by Step becoming IFA Supplier of Medicinal Products
- Step by Step becoming IFA Supplier of Medical Devices and other pharmacy typical products
Please send the following documents to
- Onboarding application for conclusion signed and scanned
- IFA-Auftragstabelle D – Supplier Address Data
- Copy of your current commercial register excerpt or business registration
When registering medicinal products, please add:
- Copy of the manufacturing authorisation according to § 13 AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz – German Medicinal Products Act) required for the production of medicinal products
- Copy of the wholesaler authorisation according to § 52a AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz – German Medicinal Products Act) if available
IFA Guide
Table of content