The following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) consist of recurring questions to IFA GmbH. They are grouped under a topic and followed by their answer. If your question is not mentioned, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

No, due to the fact that the PZN (including check digit) is an 8-digit number.

A PZN as barcode in Code 39 bears a PZN in clear print underneath the barcode: PZN - 12345678. The minus sign in front of the PZN is used as identifier and causes the reader to interpret the digits as PZN.

Receiving PZN and their publication requires the signing of IFA's supplier contract outlining the buisiness relations.

A PZN is issued while product data are being published in IFA's database. At the bottom of all this are IFA's guidelines that are aimed at the primary purpose - identifying products within the healthcare sector. IFA's guidelines IFA-Richtlinien für die Zuteilung von Pharmazentralnummern  line out the conditions for the publication of product data in IFA's database.

No, due to the fact that the PZN is a neutral identification key. It is generated automatically.

Notifying a product deletion leads to the product and its data being deleted from IFA's database and the systems of data recipients. A new publication of a deleted PZN is impossible.

Request for EAD, product and address data 

Request free of charge a current EAD file for a change order, a product range file or your address data with IFA Supplier Number on request for EAD, product and adress data

IFA Guide
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