
Conclusion of IFA Supplier Contract

Supplier and contracting party

The first publication and changes of product data in the IFA database is generally ordered by the supplier of a product. Suppliers in the terms of IFA GmbH are all companies that make medicinal products, medical devices or pharmacy typical products available on the market under their own name (manufacturers, distributors, importers).

The prerequisite for the allocation and publication of Pharmazentralnummern (PZN) with product data in the IFA information services is the conclusion of the IFA supplier contract, which regulates the business relation.

The contractual partner of the suppliers is IFA GmbH:

Informationsstelle für Arzneispezialitäten – IFA GmbH  |  Hamburger Allee 26 – 28  |  60486 Frankfurt  |  Germany

– IFA GmbH named –

IFA Guidelines and IFA Price List

By agreeing to the IFA supplier contract, each supplier acknowledges the following IFA guidelines and IFA price list as binding regulations for reporting product data:


The language applicable to the conclusion of the supplier contract and the reporting of product data is exclusively German. Translations of the supplier contract and other documents are for information purposes only. In the case of any contradiction between the German text and the translation, the German text takes precedence over the translation. Here you can find a non-binding translation of the IFA supplier contract.

Please read the above documents carefully before concluding the supplier contract. By concluding the supplier contract, you agree to be bound by the guidelines. We offer the following services for suppliers:


By using order files, suppliers who have concluded the IFA supplier contract with IFA GmbH can report product data to IFA GmbH. The notification order documents are transmitted by e-mail. The following order types for reporting product data are possible:

  • PZN allocation: The supplier can apply for a PZN for his product before market launch.
  • First publication: If the supplier intends to offer a new product, he instructs IFA GmbH to publish the product data in the IFA information services for the first time.
  • Product changes: If the product is already published in the IFA information services, the supplier can order the change of existing data, e.g. prices, distribution channels.

Procedure of concluding the contract

To conclude the IFA supplier contract, the supplier sends a scan of the signed Onboarding application to conclude of the IFA Supplier Contract by e-mail. Immediately after sending the application, the supplier receives a confirmation of receipt, which is not yet an acceptance of the contract offer. The IFA Supplier Contract comes into effect after IFA GmbH has checked the application together with the other legitimising documents and after the supplier receives the confirmation by e-mail in which he is informed of its IFA customer number. The confirmation also contains the 5-digit IFA Supplier Number, which is used as MAH-ID in the context of the verification of medicinal products. Please check the spam folder of your e-mail box regularly. The IFA database contains product data of suppliers for the German health care system and is aimed exclusively at entrepreneurs as defined by § 14 BGB (German Civil Code). Before conclusion of the contract, the identity of the company must be proven to us with the documents listed below.

Fees and payment

The annual fee is due regardless of whether you order PZN allocations or report product data. The annual fee for new customers is invoiced at the end of the month in which they become a customer, thereafter at the end of January each year. Payments can be made by bank transfer or direct debit. You can request the form for direct debit from us. Payment by credit card is excluded.

Please find the current price list here.

Data protection

For information on the processing of your data, please read our data protection information, which you can access via the following link: Data protection declaration

IFA Guide
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