Prerequisite for using the PPN as UDI-DI

Prerequisite for the use of a PPN as UDI-DI for your medical device as well as its inclusion in the IFA database is the conclusion of an IFA supplier contract.

Please use the following instruction to compile the required contract documents:
Step by Step becoming IFA Supplier of Medical Devices and other pharmacy typical products

Please send the following documents to

Detailed information is provided on the New Customers page. After the successful legitimation, you will receive a confirmation with your IFA customer number.

UDI specifications

Detailed information on how to use IFA’s Coding System conform to UDI can be found in the specifications on the page with downloads


Multiple answers to your questions about Unique Device Identification (UDI) and the use of the PPN as UDI-DI, can be found in the lower part of the FAQ

IFA Guide
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